Making homeworking work for you

Making homeworking work for you

I’m writing this article whilst sat at the hairdressers waiting for my colour to set in (!). It’s Friday and for me usually this is my non working day but being self employed I have to be a bit more flexible and respond to emails and keep on top of my social media. Benefits of remote and homeworking is I can work anywhere even at the hairdressers! But sometimes the lines between home and work can become blurred especially if you work from home regularly or all the time. I’ve been self employed for over 3 and half years and have learned a lot along the way. Here are my top tips for making home working work for you whether you are self employed or work for a company:

  1. Have a dedicated place for working and away from any distractions like the TV or dishwasher. Avoid the temptation of tidying up- it can wait!

  2. Plan your day like you would in an office and block out time for tasks focusing on one task at a time. I use a weekly planner that I buy from the supermarket and write down all tasks I need to do each day, allocating specific hours in each day to complete certain tasks and also making time for lunch.

  3. Allow yourself breaks, make a cup of tea/coffee and remember to stretch and move around. It’s very easy when we are working from home to be sat at your desk all day finishing a report and before we know it’s nearly end of our working day!

  4. Get outdoors even if it’s just in the garden or a quick walk to the park or corner shop. Your brain needs fresh air to function and concentrate on important work tasks.

  5. Build in time for exercise and lunch. Make it a priority each week! It’s so easy to forget to take time out and have lunch and exercise when working on a deadline yet we make time to scroll through Facebook during our lunch break or first thing in the morning. Even just twenty minutes makes a difference and helps you feel energised to get on with the rest of your day!

  6. Learn to switch off. Schedule when you start and finish your working day and avoid temptation of checking e-mails at night. Too much screen time interferes with our ability to sleep and affects relationships and family time.

I asked Slawo Urban of Made by Urban who designed my website his top tips for home working and here is his top 7:

1) I work early in the morning before everyone in the house is awake.

2) I work in the mornings and evenings.

3) During the day I try to do sport or see friends or pick up kids from school.

4) I work 7 days a week but only 2-4h a day.

5) i have my own room / office and close the doors behind me.

6) I never respond to emails in the evening.

7 ) I work sometimes while exercising.

I hope this article has been helpful. The key thing is finding a structure and routine that works for you.

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